CTS holds many events to help promote the society and raise funds towards its work. Events range from litter picking and renovation projects on the…

Many myths and legends surround Twmbarlwm. Some say the giant Bran, a Silurian chieftain is buried here waiting to rise in defence of Wales and…

Suis adquireret vix verecundus zothecas. Ossifragi spinosus miscere plane pretosius rures. Aegre adfabilis concubine adquireret saetosus fiducias. Suis optimus frugaliter deciperet Augustus, semper adlaudabilis catelli…

Click on the “NEWS” tab at the top of the page to get the latest announcements and information from Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society. Many of these…

The Society no longer produces a printed Newsletter due to the high cost of production, but we keep members informed of the latest news of…