Due to YELLOW Weather Warning this weekend's litter pick is cancelled. We will hopefully reschedule it for next weekend (02/03/25) - watch this space for confirmation
Our monthly litter pick usually takes place on the last Sunday of every month - we meet at the car park below the Tump at 10:30am and we spread out from there in teams up onto the ridgeway and to the top of the Twmp itself - it's all very informal.
We're generally there for 2 to 3 hours and anyone is welcome to come along to help out. It's also an opportunity to meet other members of the Society, have a chat and learn more about the area. Afterwards we usually offer a cup of tea or soft drink and biccies to all helpers.
We provide equipment - pick up sticks, gloves, bags, brooms, shovels etc. and have hand sanitiser and wipes available. If you prefer, you can always bring along your own gloves and be self sufficient with any refreshments.
We are sometimes able to offer people a lift to the site - contact us via email and we'll help if we can.
The Society no longer produces a printed Newsletter due to the high cost of production, but we keep members informed of the latest news of our activities through our regular e-Newsletter "Just a Quick Note" – you must be a fully paid up member to receive it via email. But you can still see the previous Newsletters - click on the images below.