Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society came into being after a public meeting in October 2010 organised by Rob Southall. A working committee was formed with Rob duly…

Walkers come from far and wide to enjoy the landscape of Wales and the walks up to and around Twmbarlwm offer the rambler a great…

Suis adquireret vix verecundus zothecas. Ossifragi spinosus miscere plane pretosius rures. Aegre adfabilis concubine adquireret saetosus fiducias. Suis optimus frugaliter deciperet Augustus, semper adlaudabilis catelli…

Our first major project for 2013 was the alamoOur first major project for 2013 was the alamo Our first major project for 2013 was the alamo Our…

The Society no longer produces a printed Newsletter due to the high cost of production, but we keep members informed of the latest news of…

Meeting of the Society Monday 3 September 2012 Cross Keys Rugby Club Minutes Attendance Gretta Bond; Martyn Bond; Alan Booth; Sue Evans; Terry Evans…

Trustees Meeting Tuesday 16th October 2012 Weedon House, The Darren, Risca MINUTES Attendance Martyn Bond, Carl Close, Andrew George, Sue Evans, Terry Evans (Chair) Apologies…

Suis adquireret vix verecundus zothecas. Ossifragi spinosus miscere plane pretosius rures. Aegre adfabilis concubine adquireret saetosus fiducias. Suis optimus frugaliter deciperet Augustus, semper adlaudabilis catelli…

Click on the “NEWS” tab at the top of the page to get the latest announcements and information from Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society. Many of these…

The Society no longer produces a printed Newsletter due to the high cost of production, but we keep members informed of the latest news of…

The Society no longer produces a printed Newsletter due to the high cost of production, but we keep members informed of the latest news of…

The Society no longer produces a printed Newsletter due to the high cost of production, but we keep members informed of the latest news of…