Christmas Walk
The Twmbarlwm XMAS EXCESS Walk

Click on Santa to download a poster. It would be useful if you could print a few out and stick them up to help us promote the event.
Sunday 28th December 2014
Meet at Pontywaun Wharf at 10.30am
Shake off those Xmas Excesses with a walk to the top of Twmbarlwm with a group led by enthusiastic rambler and CTS Member, Maggie Thomas.
The route is picturesque and classed as moderate – through Medart Woods and along the Forest Road – it is just under 6 miles and should take no more than 4 hours.
There will be a hot toddy and mince pies waiting at the top – but bring your own packed lunch and drink if needed.
Remember to wear stout walking shoes and appropriate clothing for the landscape and weather.
Click here to see the proposed route on GoogleMaps
OR Litter Pick
As you probably know – the last Sunday of the month is usually our workday/litterpick but it was suggested we do the walk – but for anybody who doesn’t fancy the walk, there will be a couple of members at the car park to organise a litter pick as usual. It’s hoped that the litter pickers will meet up with the walkers to share a hot toddy and a mince pie or two.
Everybody is welcome – the tump is just the place to be to clear head after all the Christmas festivities
We have plenty of rubbish bags, gloves, hi-viz vests, pick-up sticks and most other tools and equipment that will be needed but you are welcome to provide you own.
Please remember to dress appropriately for the terrain and weather. We are properly insured but you will be expected to be aware of your own safety and act responsibly
Click here if you don’t know how to get to the car park – there’s an easy to follow map for you to download.
If you can’t drive up there please contact us via email and we’ll try to arrange some transport for you. Similarly if you are able to offer anybody a lift please let us know.

Can’t promise you weather like this – but this is Pegwyn y Bwlch photographed a couple of years ago – we’ll be coming down here on the way back