Christmas Walk 2017
The Twmbarlwm XMAS EXCESS Walk
Wednesday 27th December 2017
Don’t wait for January 1st to start a New Year’s Resolution!
Start your resolution early.
Shake off those Xmas Excesses – Join Maggie Thomas with a group from Cardiff Ramblers on a walk (approx 8 miles – about 4 hours) to Twmbarlwm on Wednesday 27th December. It’s a moderate to challenging walk.
Meet at the the car park on the canal by Pontywaun Bridge (near the Spiritualist Church) at 10 a.m.
Bring a snack and something to drink.
In previous years we have provided Mince Pies and Mulled Wine but at this time we are not sure if we will be able to – so please make sure you are self sufficient.
Wrap up – wear warm clothing including gloves and a hat.
There will be a prize for the best hat!
Walk leader Maggie Thomas – 01495 273 057
Below is a map of the proposed route – click here to see the route on the OS website
Note the route may change on the day due to weather and/or people’s preferences.
Please remember to dress appropriately for the terrain and weather -and that you are fit enough to take a walk of this length and difficulty. We are insured but you will be expected to be aware of your own safety and act responsibly
Click here to see the location of the Spiritualist Church near Pontywaun Bridge on GoogleMaps
The post code for the location of the starting point is NP11 7FR

Can’t promise you weather like this – but this is Pegwyn y Bwlch photographed a few of years ago