CTS Minutes September 2012
Meeting of the Society
Monday 3 September 2012
Cross Keys Rugby Club
Gretta Bond; Martyn Bond; Alan Booth; Sue Evans; Terry Evans (chair); Charles Ferris; Andrew George; Jack Hanbury; Les Murphy (Commoners Association); Andrea Price; Colin Price; Rob Southall; Sam Southall; Roger Stevenson; Elwyn Styles; and Maggie Thomas
1 Apologies
1.1 Apologies were received from Julie Bram; Carl Close; PC Simon James; Cedric Mumford; David Parry; John Venn; and Gail Williams
2. Chairman’s Report
2.1 TE said that he had accepted RS’s resignation as Secretary. A vote of thanks to RS was proposed and agreed.
2.2 TE announced that at the recent management meeting CC had offered himself to become the Society’s secretary once this has been ratified at the forthcoming AGM
2.3 TE and RS had met Norman Liversuch of CCBC in August. The main points discussed were:
- The landscape crime officer had been successful in reducing off-road incidents in the Twm Barlwm area. Funding for the temporary post had been extended until December 2012
- CCBC had asked CTS members to conduct a survey of visitors to Twm Barlwm on the weekends. RS is preparing a questionnaire.
- The car park was almost complete but laying the final surface had been delayed by the discovery of a land drain. CCBC had asked CTS not to pursue the possibility of an asset management arrangement until the work was complete
- There were no plans or resources earmarked for signage
2.4 Following a vote it was agreed to respond to a CCBC consultation on a planning application for electronic signposting (known as DigE-Posts) at Pegwyn y Bwlch and other locations within the Cwmcarn Scenic Drive.
3. Secretary’s Report
3.1 RS said that the third edition of the newsletter had been published and distributed
4. Minutes of 2 July meeting and Matters Arising
4.1 The minutes of the meeting on 2 July were agreed.
5. Minutes of Management Meeting held on 17 July and Matters Arising
5.1 Roger S outlined the list of short, medium and long term objectives which the Management Committee had proposed. Discussion ensued on the proposal to build relationships and work in partnership with other stakeholders.
TE invited members to consider the proposed objectives and provide written comments.
5.2 LM said that the Welsh Government no longer allowed individual associations such as the Commoners to make applications for its Glastir (agri-environment) scheme funding. The priorities for funding included historic landscapes and water clarity and he suggested that CTS could work with the Commoners to lobby for funding for the Twm Barlwm area in 2013-14. It was agreed that the two organisations should meet to discuss this further.
6. Company / Charity Formation / Constitution
AG spoke to his paper about a proposed new constitution for CTS. TE invited written comments and said that the draft constitution would be on the agenda for the AGM
7. AGM Announcement
TE said that he would be giving members notice that the AGM would be held on Monday 1 October at 7.00pm at Crosskeys RFC. He would be seeking volunteers to serve as officers. One member had already volunteered to take over as secretary (see note 2.2).
8 Police Liaison Report
6.1 In the absence of CC or SJ, Terry explained that Simon has been on holidays for the past few weekends and as such there was nothing to report.
6.2 Members were reminded to phone 101 if PC James was unavailable.
6.3 MT said that it was important that members received feedback on all calls.
9. Treasurer’s Report
9.1 MB said that the current balance was £724.32.
9.2 It was agreed that signatories to the bank account should now be updated to be TE (Chairman), CC (Secretary elect), and MB (Treasurer) – MB is to organise the relevant forms asap.
9.3 Roger S said that the insurance premium was due on 30 September.
10. Membership Report
MT said that CTS had [72] members – no new or renewals in the past month.
11. Forthcoming Events and Projects
RS said that he had arranged two events:
- 24 September – The Geology of Twm Barlwm and Mynydd Maen, presented by Dave Gavell
- 15th October – The Romans of SE Wales presented by Dr Edith Evans
12. A.O.B
12.1 MT said that the Open Spaces Society would be writing to the Forestry Commission and CCBC about the use of footpaths during a recent motorbike rally. It was agreed that CTS should write a similar letter
12.2 In response to the suggestion that the Valleys Regional Park project is under threat – it was agreed that the society should send a letter of support to the First Minister urging the continuation of the VRP project
13. Next meeting
1 October 2012 at 7.00pm (AGM)