Monday 8th August to Friday 26th August 2022
We had some interesting discoveries last year (from a technical archaeological point of view) that you can read about in the official report available on our website – click here to see the report.
The information revealed by the report has convinced the archaeologists that Twmbarlwm remains an enigma that deserves further investigation and still holds answers to its origins and reveal how our ancestors lived and reacted with our landscape.
Therefore with the help and advice of Cadw we have made plans to continue the local community volunteer based archaeological investigation throughout August, under the supervision of CPAT (Clwyd and Powys Archaeological Trust).
This year’s plan is to open three new trenches at various points around the enclosure to consolidate the findings from last year; and to perform a series of augered investigations into the perimeter of the motte itself with the cores being radio-carbon dated to help reveal its structure and age – depending on the results of the latter another trench may be opened at this location.
The complete WSI (Written Scheme of Investigation) can be downloaded here.
So you see there is a lot of work to be done and the Society needs to call upon its membership and associates to come and help with this unique opportunity to discover the secrets of Twmbarlwm and experience a real archaeological dig.
The project will start with a meeting of all prospective volunteers on Monday 8th August at Risca Museum when the archaeologists will present a report on what was achieved last year and an overview of what we hope to achieve this year. The actual dig on-site will be 5 days a week from 8th to the 26th August, 9 till 5, and the weekend of the 13th & 14th August.
We are looking for volunteers of any ability – experienced or not – training and advice will be given on any task assigned to you. We are not expecting volunteers to commit to 5 days a week for 3 weeks but we will require volunteers to let us know what times and dates they are available so that we can rota them into the work schedule – places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
On occasion, room for volunteers to work in a trench may be limited, but we will ensure everyone gets a fair opportunity to get involved – but there will always be a need for help carry equipment. If you wish, you can just be there to observe and chat with the archaeologists.
If you are interested and able to help out – please contact me in the first instance via email so we know what numbers to expect. Please supply your contact details – name, address, email, phone and/or mobile number, and a note of any experience you may have. Once you have registered your interest we will send you more information.
If you think you can help this project in any other way – have you any expertise to offer, equipment, funding, a 4×4 vehicle, local knowledge, links to other societies – please get in touch.
For more information about what volunteering involves – CLICK HERE
We also want to encourage the community to get involved in the project and we will welcome groups to come and visit the site to have a guided tour when a real archaeologist will answer your questions – most days there will be an archaeologist on site specifically to inform and interact with the public. If you have associations with a group you think may be interested please get in touch via email.
CLICK HERE to see archaeology blog showing the reports and photos of what we did last year and since this project started in 2019.

Archaeological investigation on Twmbarlwm, Risca, south Wales. performed by Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust; organised by Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society, Funded by Cadw