JQN – 02/09/2014
Just a Quick Note 2nd September 2014
Dear Member
Here’s a few dates for your diary again – as you’ll see we could do with a few more volunteers to help out at these events – but we also need people to come along and enjoy themselves.
I would really like to encourage you to get over to Blaen Bran Community Woodland this weekend, it’s a smashing place and it provided much of the model on which CTS is based – you could argue it’s our counterpart on the Cwmbran side of the Twmbarlwm – this is their 10th anniversary so go have a look at what they have done and think what CTS could achieve in the same time. Look up their website at www.blaenbran.org.uk
BLAEN BRAN OPEN DAY – Saturday 6th September 2014
After last year’s successful open day, Blaen Bran have planned another that’s bigger and better. There will be pony rides, children’s activities, craft fayre, refreshments, woodland walks, cider making demonstration, music and Morris dancing and demonstrations of woodland skills such as pole lathe, wood turning, tree felling, horse logging, chainsaw sculpture.
And CTS were hoping to have a stand there but unfortunately none of the usual volunteers is available to man the stand for the day to help promote CTS – if there are a few people out there who feel they could step into the breech, please contact me as soon as possible.
Blaen Bran is a wonderful place with a really active society looking after it – if you haven’t been before, please go along and see it – you will not be disappointed.
FOURTEEN LOCKS HERITAGE DAY – Sunday 14th September 2014
Sunday September the 14th is the Fourteen Locks Centre Heritage day where, thanks to the generosity of Newport City Homes all events are FREE. We will place donation boxes around the
Site and any monies raised will go to the HELP THE HERO’S FUND. There will be military vehicles, a trip boat on the canal, a steam engine to ride on. As well as stalls and much more so please remember the date and if any member of your family were involved, please get in touch. Check out their website at www.fourteenlocks.co.uk
One of the stalls will be CTS – where we will have our “Roll-a-coin” game and display to help promote the society.
Again we could really do with some more volunteers to help man the stand during the day – believe me it can be fun meeting so many people and chatting with them about the mountain we love.
EVENING LECTURE – Wednesday 17th September 2014
an illustrated talk presented by Mr Peter Brown of the University of South Wales, Newport.
There will be an opportunity to ask Peter questions at the end.
This promises to be a very interesting talk and may go some way to solving the mystery of why people in our own own locality walking up the Tump on Good Friday.
The event is to be held at Crosskeys Rugby Club, Pandy Park, Crosskeys
7.00pm for 7.30 start
The evening is free to CTS members and £3.00 for non-members. The bar will remain open for refreshments. There will also be a raffle and an opportunity to join the society at the end of the evening. The evening will close around 9pm.
CTS offers support to Rob Southall’s group to lobby the authorities to get clarity on the future of the Forest Drive which is an integral part of Twmbarlwm.
Rob hopes to organise a public meeting on the subject very soon – so I urge you to look out for that and go join in the discussion on the Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/938740292808719/ – there is also a petition on the Welsh Government’s website to show your support for the campaign.
There are more Events planned throughout the year – please check out the website regularly for details – www.twmbarlwm.co.uk – click on the “Events” tab.
Also don’t forget my usual plea – I would really like to get more information on the website, so if you have any articles or information you think should be there or would just add interest for our visitors, then please get in touch.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com