JQN 12-04-2016
Just a Quick Note
12th April 2016
Hi Folks,
Since the last quick note we’ve had a couple of events to report on: –
There was the annual Hot-Cross-Bun walk on Good Friday, which was extremely well attended this year. On our organised walk from the Stoney Bridge we had over 40 people turn up – and we picked up a few more on the way up. Rob Southall also led a walk up from the Cwmcarn Cwmcarn Visitor centre with over 40 in that group too. There were other organised groups who came up from Cwmbran and Blaen Bran and there was a constant stream of people arriving at the top all the time I was up there.
All this was possibly due to it being such a beautiful spring day but just maybe they were all there for our free hot-cross-buns. We distributed all the 120 hot-cross-buns that had been donated by Tescos and Greggs, and we collected about £60.
There’s photos and a report on our website. Many thanks if you were with us for the day – if you weren’t, then make sure you try next year, because it was a great day out.
CHRIS BARBER came and gave us a talk entitled “Roaming Gwent with a Camera” – this was well attended and well received and we made over £50 on the day.
If you have been up the Tump recently you would have seen that there have been a few burnt out cars up there. There have been five in the past six weeks – there have also been a few serious fly tippings – all these incidents have been reported the police and the councils – with varying degrees of response. Three of the cars remain up on the ridgeway – a couple of farmers who are members of the society say they will get them off the mountain very soon (lambing permitting).
On a more positive note, in the last JQN I told you that the joint councils of Caerphilly and Cwmbran had a pot of money to spend on various improvements – CTS has had some say in this – and some of this work has started.
- The gateway near the car park is having a facelift with stone walls being constructed either side of the gate.
- Large boulders have been delivered – these are to be placed across certain tracks to deter off-roaders – some on the Penyrheol side have already been positioned, the ones earmarked for the Risca side will be done in the next few weeks.
- Most of the Feral trees (self seeded conifers) which were growing profusely along the ridgeway have been cleared.
- New fencing materials and tons of scalpings for path repairs have been delivered – it will be up to CTS volunteers to do these fence and path repairs, so we will be organising that on the next few volunteer days (generally the last Sunday of each month) – watch this space for details.
We really would like to see some new faces turn up for our Volunteer Days – it’s not really hard work, unless you do want to help with heavier jobs – and it’s a good chance to have a look around up there and have a chat and a cuppa. The more people who attend, the more proof it is to the powers-that-be that the community cares for Twmbarlwm and therefore the more money will be spent in the area.
Sunday 17th April 2016
The Lost Farms of the Rhyswg
A walk and talk by Rob Southall
Meet at the Cwmcarn Visitor Centre lower car park for a walk through the Carn valley up onto the Rhyswg . Rob will point out the ruins of Cnwc, Pen-y-Pant and Rhyswg Fach and he will regale us with the history of the area and the characters who farmed the land. Following this we will return to the visitor centre via the remains of Hollybush Cottage once the home of Rocky Harris.
This event is FREE of charge but we would appreciate any donations which will go to support the work of Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society and Friends of Cwmcarm Forest Drive.
Thursday 21st April 2016
Mountain Top Beacon to Celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday
This is a joint event with Risca Town Council. We will be lighting a Beacon on top of the Tump at 7:30 pm – just like the Jubilee Beacon in 2012 thousands of communities around the UK will be doing the same.
Due to the logistics of organising too many people to the top of the mountain, the event is restricted to paid up CTS members and invited people. People are encouraged to meet at Risca Leisure centre where we will car share where possible to drive on up to the car park at the end of Mountain Road.
We will need plenty of volunteers to help us with various tasks on the night, so if you think you could help out please get in touch. It will still be daylight on the way up but dark on the way back so we will need volunteers to help guide people down.
Sunday 24th April 2016
The last Sunday of the month will be our usual litter pick / workday and as described above we should have some serious repair work to be done. As usual, meet up at the car park on the common below the Tump at 10.30am.
We’ll have most equipment needed for the work in hand but please remember to wear sturdy shoes and clothing to suit the terrain and weather conditions.
Monday 16th May 2016
Common Land – History and Legal Rights
An illustrated talk by Les Murphy
(Secretary of Mynydd Maen Commoners Association)
Crosskeys RFC 7:00pm
LES MURPHY is the secretary of the Mynydd Maen Commoners Association. As well as being a Commoner himself, he has a great interest in the history of Common Land, how and why it came into being, what is it for and who does it apply to.
Les will explain how Common Land is managed today and will explode a few myths and people’s misconceptions.
The talk will end with a Q & A sesssion.
Entry is FREE to members or £3.00 to non-members (you can join on the night if you wish)
Drinks available at the Bar ~ A raffle will be held on the night
All proceeds go towards the work of Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
There is more information on the above events on our main website – www.twmbarlwm.co.uk. These events help us to raise money towards the Society’s work so please support us where you can – download the posters from our website and post them up in work or local shops – encourage friends and family to come along – even if the subject does not interest you, it may interest them.
If there are any subjects or projects you would like us to cover – or you could help us with – then please let us know.
As you probably know, we hold Trustees’ meetings on the first Monday of every month, it was decided at our last meeting that we should open the occasional meeting to paid-up members so that we can inform you better of any news and progress we are making on Twmbarlwm. We also hope to encourage a few more people to take a more active part in the Society’s work.
In these Newsletters I’m often calling for more members to get involved and this is your chance – our next meeting is Monday 7th May, 7:00pm at Crosskeys RFC, please come along and have your say.
Those who follow our Facebook page or the “Friends of Cwmcarn Forest Drive” page are also invited to consider becoming “paid-up” members and/or take part in our projects – if you know any of them please pass this on.
I also repeat my request for persons who might have special skills or knowledge to help run the Society or assist with our projects, to get in touch.
Getting to the car park
For the Events starting at the car park on Twmbarlwm, if you would prefer to have a lift there please get in touch with me at the address below and I’ll try to arrange transport for you – or if you are able to offer transport to others also let me know. There are maps and descriptions how to get there on our website – under the menu tab “Location”
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com