JQN – 07/04/2014
Dear Member
Spring has finally sprung and where better to go to experience it than Twmbarlwm especially to go and see the work we’ve achieved over the winter months
MEMBERS’ MEETING – 14th April 2014
The second Members’ meeting of 2014 will be this coming Monday, 14th April at Crosskeys RFC starting at 7pm. Trustees will be reporting on progress since the last meeting and in particular the conclusion of “Tidy Twmp” project and listening to members’ views and suggestions for future work.
All members will be welcome and are encouraged to come along and help take an active part in the society – the Trustees have worked hard over the winter months on the Tidy Twmp project and have been helped on a few occasions by members on volunteer days – but what has been achieved will be to no avail if we don’t get more volunteers to come along and help with ongoing maintenance.
To maintain the momentum of the “Tidy Twmp” project we are proposing to make the last Sunday of each month a Society day on Twmbarlwm, particularly throughout the summer months. We will meet up to litter pick, check on the newly planted trees, inspect and repair fences pathways etc., or just simply to have a walk, a cuppa and a natter.
So come along to the meeting to find out more and don’t forget these other dates to look forward to:-
Good Friday – 18th April 2014
Again we will be promoting the local tradition of walking to the top of the Tump on Good Friday – there will be the usual organised walk from the Stony Bridge on Fields Road in Pontymister – meet up at 10.30am and join the walk straight up the hill to Twmbarlwm – remember towear stout shoes and dress suitably for the weather.
Our friends from The Ancient Cwmbran Society are also organising a walk starting from Greenmeadow Community Farm at 10am – so we should all meet up the top by 12.30(ish)
As in previous years, we’ll be giving out Hot Cross Buns to all who reach the summit (hopefully for a small donation to the society) .
Remember you don’t have to walk with one of the groups, we just want as many people as possible to walk up at their own pace, via any route, at any time of the day. You could just drive to the car-park on the Risca side or you could take a trip around the Cwmcarn Forest Drive and park up at Car Park 2 to walk along the ridge to the Twmp. Whatever you choose to do – it’s a great family day out, put it in your diary now.
SOCIETY DAY – Sunday 27th April
See the note above – the last Sunday of every month will be a day to meet up the Twmp at the new car park to do whatever is necessary on the day.
This time we need to walk the fence checking on the new trees that have been planted, “heeling” them back in where needed, cutting back anything threatening their growth. Path surface around some of the new kissing gates needs some maintenance. Litter pick. Painting a gate. Etc. etc.
Come along, meet some more members and get involved.
EVENING LECTURE – Wednesday 21st May 2014
Bringing the Ship to the Mountain – The Newport Medieval Ship Project
An illustrated talk presented by Toby Jones, Curator of the Newport Medieval Ship Project
There will be more information about this talk on the website closer to the date.
This event is at Crosskeys Rugby Club on Wednesday 21st Mary. Doors open at 7.00pm and the evening commences promptly at 7.30pm. The evening is free for members to attend and £3.00 for non-members. The bar will remain open for refreshments. There will also be a raffle and an opportunity to join the society at the end of the evening. The evening will close around 9pm.
EVENING LECTURE – Wednesday 18th June 2014
Towards identifying a Pre-Roman road network in Iron Age Gwent
An illustrated talk presented by Paul Thomas, of the University of South Wales, Newport
There will be more information about this talk on the website closer to the date.
There are more Events planned throughout the year – please check out the website regularly for details – www.twmbarlwm.co.uk – click on the “Events” tab.
Please remember your subs – if you joined before January 2013 your subscription is now due.
If you joined after January 2013 your subscription becomes due on the date you joined.
Subs can be paid at any Society event (Wednesday’s talk for example) – you can download a standing order form from the website and set up a payment for just £1 per month – or you can pay via PayPal on the website.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com