JQN – 15/05/2014
Dear Member
It’s a few weeks since the Good Friday Hot-Cross-Bun Walk – but wasn’t it a good day? For those of you who didn’t make it there’s some photos and a story online to show you what you missed.
In brief, again about 30 people turned up for the organised walk from the Stony Bridge and they all made it to the top in good time to enjoy the Hot Cross buns which this year were donated by Tescos. We made about £40 in donations for the buns which isn’t too bad (NOTE TO SELF: I’m sure we could do better with more volunteers to hand them out).
A good crowd arrived fro the Ancient Cwmbran Society and a small group from the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of South Wales turned up with their lovely dogs (and I’m not at all biased).
Of course, our friendly Landscape and Wildlife crimes officer, PC Simon James was there to help out and transport the buns to the top.
It’s difficult to assess how many people turned up throughout the day but I was there for four hours and there was a constant stream of people arriving and departing – I would estimate over 400 people in that period – and they were still arriving when I left at 2.30
I had a great day and was very pleased to see so many people enjoying our their mountain – but the day was a little marred when an idiot on a quad turned up on the ridgeway and proceeded to race around the ridgeway, through all the heather and undergrowth, without a care for the delicate landscape, nesting birds, animals or the crowds of walkers. If anyone knows that buffoon please let him know that it is not acceptable behaviour.
‘nuff said – please note the following dates:
EVENING LECTURE – Wednesday 21st May 2014
Bringing the Ship to the Mountain – The Newport Medieval Ship Project
An illustrated talk presented by Toby Jones, Curator of the Newport Medieval Ship Project
The Newport Medieval Ship is the best preserved 15th Century ship ever discovered – and that is not an idle boast. The team, led by Toby Jones, are using some of the most advanced techniques ever employed in trying to unravel the archaeological evidence found in this unique ship.
Considering the obvious importance of this project it is surprising that it is again at serious risk of losing its home and its funding – so, no doubt, Toby will not only enlighten us with his in-depth knowledge of the ship but will also make a strong case to persuade the “powers-that-be” for the continuation of this research.
We will not run our usual Society Raffle on the night – but there will be Friends of the Newport Ship raffle tickets for sale – which will give you the opportunity to win cash prizes of up to £500.
This event is at Crosskeys Rugby Club on Wednesday 21st Mary. Doors open at 7.00pm and the evening commences promptly at 7.30pm. The evening is free for members to attend and £3.00 for non-members. The bar will remain open for refreshments. There will also be an opportunity to join the society at the end of the evening. The evening will close around 9pm.
As I announced in the last JQN – the last Sunday of every month will be a day to meet up the Twmp at the new car park to do whatever is necessary on the day.
There’s a possibility we will move this to the 1st June, due to the bank holiday – but I’ll let you know before then.
This time we need to walk the fence checking on the new trees that have been planted, “heeling” them back in where needed, cutting back anything threatening their growth. Path surface around some of the new kissing gates needs some maintenance. Litter pick. Painting a gate. Etc. etc.
Come along, meet some more members and get involved.
EVENING LECTURE – Wednesday 18th June 2014
Towards identifying a Pre-Roman road network in Iron Age Gwent
An illustrated talk presented by Paul Thomas, of the University of South Wales, Newport
There will be more information about this talk on the website closer to the date.
There are more Events planned throughout the year – please check out the website regularly for details – www.twmbarlwm.co.uk – click on the “Events” tab.
Please remember your subs – if you joined before January 2013 your subscription is now due.
If you joined after January 2013 your subscription becomes due on the date you joined.
Subs can be paid at any Society event (Wednesday’s talk for example) – you can download a standing order form from the website and set up a payment for just £1 per month – or you can pay via PayPal on the website.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com