JQN – 17-09-2015
Just a Quick Note ~ 17th September 2015
Dear Member
Since our last “Quick Note” we’ve had a few events which again were attended by the usual few.
We had the “Recorder’s Field day” on the 22nd August when we accompanied a few experts around Twmbarlwm as they collected and identified species of flora and fauna. The information collected gets recorded on the SEWBReC database which helps to identify Twmbarlwm as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC).
It turned out to be a very interesting day – it encouraged us who followed the experts to look closer to our feet and surroundings to realise the abundance of bio-diversity in the area – a couple of beetles and grasshoppers were listed that they weren’t expecting to find in this area – and the wide variety of birds seen was encouraging. One lucky observer even saw and photographed a cuckoo – very unusual for this time of year, probably a juvenile born on Twmbarlwm getting ready to leave for Africa.
We had our Litter Pick and workday on the 23rd August which again was in dreadful weather but we managed to clear up a small fly-tip and rubbish left by campers – but more importantly a couple of our members repaired the fence to the east of the Tump which had been deliberately cut through earlier in the week. Somebody must see this happening – remember you should phone the police on 101 and report any incidents you see like this.
Then last weekend we attended the Fourteen Locks Heritage Day – we took along our exhibition and our “Roll-a-Coin” game. We talked to many people about CTS while their kids played on the game – not sure if we gained any new members but the kids had a good time and we made over £50 for the society.
If you visit Twmbarlwm this week you will see that the gate at the cattle grid has been repaired and a new barrier has been installed at the top of the ORPA to prevent entry onto the ridgeway – I’m not claiiming we actually did those things but we had a hand in persuading the authorities to repair the gate and with the Commoners Association on the barrier.
So you see a few of us have been busy but we could do with a bit more support from the membership for the events we have lined up for the Autumn.
Here are a few dates for your diary, of events we hope you will like to get involved in:
The following list is also attached as a poster which you could print out and display somewhere for people to see (in work possibly) we need to get the word out to encourage more members – please help us out.
TALK and Q & A Session – Monday 21st September 2015
This was original advertised for the 23rd but we had to change it to the 21st
Rob Southall will be giving an illustrated talk entitled The first 3,0005 Years – 3,000 years for Twmbarlwm, 5 years for the Society. This is aimed at those who don’t know much about the mountain and will be an introduction to Twmbarlwm and the Society. Rob was the founder of the Society and has an in-depth knowledge of the mountain’s history, its myths and legends and a passion to secure the future of the area.
Rob’s talk will be followed by a Q & A session, an update on the work of CTS and we will discuss any current issue that concerns the Society, Twmbarlwm and the surrounding area.
This will be a great opportunity to learn more about Twmbarlwm and give you the chance to join the Society or voice your concerns for the area. All welcome.
HELPING HANDS DAY – Sunday, 27th September
The last Sunday of the month will be our usual litter pick / workday which we’re now calling “Helping Hands Day”. As usual, meet up at the car park on the common below the Tump at 10.30.
Apart from a litter pick other jobs needing doing include fence post repairs, steps and footpath construction, but we are unsure if we will have the equipment to do the latter this weekend.
We’ll have most equipment needed but please remember to wear sturdy shoes and clothing to suit the terrain and weather conditions.
Monday 19th October ~ Crosskeys RFC – 7pm.
Illustrated Talk – Subject and presenter to be confirmed
Monday 2nd November ~ 7.00pm Crosskeys RFC
Annual General Meeting
A report on the work of CTS over the past year and election of committee and Trustees for the coming year. All members should attend
Monday 23rd November ~ 7.00pm Crosskeys RFC
Tump Quiz Night
Our popular Annual Quiz with a bit of a Christmas Theme on various subjects. Bring along a Team of friends, there’s loads of Prizes and a splendid Trophy for the winning Team.
Sunday 27th December ~ Pontywaun Wharf 10.30am
Xmas Excess Walk
Shake off those Christmas Excesses with a walk to the top of Twmbarlwm where there will be a hot toddy and mince pies waiting for you.
Those who follow our Facebook page or the “Friends of Cwmcarn Forest Drive” page are also invited to consider becoming “paid-up” members and/or take part in our projects – if you know any of them please pass this on.
I also repeat my request for persons who might have special skills or knowledge to help run the Society or assist with our projects, to get in touch – if you are interested note that on 23rd September we will be a holding a public meeting at Crosskeys RFC, see details below.
Getting to the car park
For the Events starting at the car park if you would prefer to have a lift there please get in touch with me at the address below and I’ll try to arrange transport for you – or if you are able to offer transport to others also let me know. There are maps and descriptions how to get there on our website – under the menu tab “Location”
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com