JQN – 18/02/2014
Dear Member
Just a couple of quick reminders:
First of all for tomorrow night’s talk: –
‘Local Traditions and Customs: How far back do they go?’
presented by Peter Brown University of South Wales, Newport.
The venue is now at Cwmcarn Forest Drive Visitor Centre – 7.00pm
This promises to be an interesting talk delivered by an experienced speaker – there’s a bit more of an introduction on the blog area of the website. http://cymdeithastwmbarlwm.blogspot.co.uk/
Entry to all talks is FREE to members or £3.00 to non-members. A raffle will be run on each night too.
Please remember your subs – if you joined before January 2013 your subscription is now due.
If you joined after January 2013 your subscription becomes due on the date you joined.
Subs can be paid at any Society event (tomorrow’s talk for example) – you can download a standing order form from the website and set up a payment for just £1 per month – or you can pay via PayPal on the website.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com