JQN 20-04-2016
Just a Quick Note
20th April 2016
Hi Folks,
I know I only sent you a “Quick Note” last week, but I just wanted to remind you that we will be lighting a Beacon up the Tump tomorrow night to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday and you’re welcome to come along and join us – or just make sure you look to the top of the mountain around 8pm to see the flame burning.
Thursday 21st April 2016
Mountain Top Beacon to Celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday
This is a joint event with Risca Town Council. We will be lighting a Beacon on top of the Tump at 7:30 pm (or possibly a little later if it’s still too light) – just like the Jubilee Beacon in 2012 thousands of communities around the UK will be doing the same.
Due to the logistics of organising too many people to the top of the mountain, the event is restricted to CTS members and invited people. People are encouraged to meet at Risca Leisure Centre, around 7:00pm, where we will car share where possible to drive on up to the car park at the end of Mountain Road.
We will need plenty of volunteers to help us with various tasks on the night, so if you think you could help out please get in touch. It will still be daylight on the way up but dark on the way back so we will need volunteers to help guide people down – and please bring a torch if you can.
Sunday 24th April 2016
The last Sunday of the month will be our usual litter pick / workday.
This weekend we will also be doing some tree planting and some path repairs – so a few more helping hands would be appreciated.
As usual, meet up at the car park on the common below the Tump at 10.30am. A free cuppa and biccie will be available for all helpers.
We’ll have most equipment needed for the work in hand but please remember to wear sturdy shoes and clothing to suit the terrain and weather conditions.
Those who follow our Facebook page or the “Friends of Cwmcarn Forest Drive” page are also invited to consider becoming “paid-up” members and/or take part in our projects – if you know any of them please pass this on.
I also repeat my request for persons who might have special skills or knowledge to help run the Society or assist with our projects, to get in touch.
Getting to the car park
For the Events starting at the car park on Twmbarlwm, if you would prefer to have a lift there please get in touch with me at the address below and I’ll try to arrange transport for you – or if you are able to offer transport to others also let me know. There are maps and descriptions how to get there on our website – under the menu tab “Location”
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com