JQN – 28/05/2014
Dear Member
Apologies to anyone who turned up last weekend up the Twmp expecting to find a Volunteer Workday taking place – but due to the bank holiday we postponed it until this coming – and I forgot to inform you, sorry.
It’s probably just as well because last weekend the weather was absolutely atrocious – and I know at least one of our stalwart members went and dug out the culvert to stop the flooding of our new trees planted there, and my thanks goes out to him.
Anyway, please note the following dates:
VOLUNTEER WORKDAY – Sunday 1st June 2014
Meet at the car park at 10.30am.
If anyone would like to come along but doesn’t like to drive up there, please let me know and I will try to arrange a pick up for you – possibly at Risca Leisure Centre.
If anyone can offer to give a lift to others – contact me and I will pass on the info.
Jobs to do this weekend:
Litter pick, culvert clearing, fence walk and repair if needed, to check on all new planting and heel in where necessary, bracken bashing, gate painting, kissing gate maintenance – and anything else that comes to light on the day.
Tea and biscuits will be provided.
CANCELLED – EVENING LECTURE – Wednesday 18th June 2014
Towards identifying a Pre-Roman road network in Iron Age Gwent
An illustrated talk presented by Paul Thomas, of the University of South Wales, Newport
THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED due to lecturer Paul Thomas being scheduled for a minor operation on the same day. I’m sure we all wish Paul the best of luck and we look forward to re-scheduling his talk for later in the year.
WALK AND TALK – Sunday 22nd June 2014
Walk to the “Pool of Avarice”
A walk led by Rob Southall, founder of CTS and generally a knowledgeable bloke.
ROB HAS DONE THIS walk many times before and he always manages to pack in many interesting facts on the walk – he’ll even recite poetry at the pool. He will lead you from the new car park up along the orpa, drop down to car park two on the forest drive and take the forest road/cycle track to Pwll Tra (Pool of Avarice). Then down from Pwll Tra to the forest drive just above Pant Gwyn back up to Car park two and back along the ridge to Twmbarlwm -about 3 or 4 miles in total. A moderate to easy walk.
Meet at the car park on Twmbarlwm for an 11.00am start. The walk should take no more than 2 hours. Lunch at Pwll Tra – bring a packed lunch and drink. Remember to wear stout walking shoes and appropriate clothing for the landscape and weather.
As mentioned for the Volunteer day above, if you would prefer to have a lift to the car park, or are able to offer a lift, please contact me and I will try to arrange it.
VOLUNTEER WORKDAY – Sunday 29th June 2014
Meet at the car park at 10.30am.
More details will be announced closer to the day
There are more Events planned throughout the year – please check out the website regularly for details – www.twmbarlwm.co.uk – click on the “Events” tab.
Please remember your subs – if you joined before January 2013 your subscription is now due.
If you joined after January 2013 your subscription becomes due on the date you joined.
Subs can be paid at any Society event (Wednesday’s talk for example) – you can download a standing order form from the website and set up a payment for just £1 per month – or you can pay via PayPal on the website.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com