JQN 30-01-2016
Just a Quick Note
30th January 2016
Dear Member
Our last Sunday of the month Litter Pick and work day is cancelled for tomorrow. Unfortunately, none of the group who usually organise it is available.
This doesn’t mean you can’t go and pick up litter if you so wish – it’s just that none of the usual people will be there.
We do need to be cracking on with some work up there so we will try to arrange a litter pick/workday for another weekend in February.
Having been up there today it’s in need of a bit of a clean up, there’s a major fly-tip there and a burnt out car on the forest road that I have reported to the authorities. So even if you’re just going for a walk, why not to take a plastic bag and collect some of the litter on your way round.
And remember if you see anyone fly-tipping or illegal off-roading activities then please contact the police on their non-emergency number – 101.
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com