Just a Quick Note – 15/11/21
Just a Quick Note
17th November 2021
The e-newsletter of the Twmbarlwm Society
Hello Folks
Sorry it’s been a while since the last newsletter but rest assured that things have been bubbling along behind the scenes. There’s been paperwork galore to sort out since the end of the archaeological dig and unlike many MPs I find it difficult to juggle two jobs at once.
Speaking of the archaeology project I’m afraid I’ve nothing to report as yet – as I told you in the last newsletter, many soil samples were sent off for examination and date analysis and until those results come back the archaeologists cannot finalise their findings and publish their report. (Apparently the labs that do this work have quite a backlog of work after the lockdown).
We were hoping that the archaeologists would be able to present their report as a illustrated Power Point talk but that doesn’t look like a possibility this side of Christmas. In the meanwhile I hope you checked out the Great Dig Blog and photos on our website.
Adventure Triangle Work
Over the past few years I have mentioned to you a project that the society has been involved with, dubbed the Adventure Triangle Project. This is a joint venture between Caerphilly and Torfaen Councils who gained funding for development of facilities in a rough triangle taking in Hafodyrynys across Twmbarlwm and the Mynydd Maen Ridge to Pontypool and back along the canal.
At long last, some of of the work involving the Society has started on Twmbarlwm – and if you pop up there now, you will find a splendid new dry-stone wall creating an impressive entrance coming off the ridgeway onto the hill-fort – there will eventually be information boards there too.
The double fence that the society installed 10 years ago – from the car park over the ridgeway to the forest drive – has been renewed and further hedgerow planting will soon take place between the fences. And the large stockgate by the car park leading up to the ridgeway will be improved to ensure that the livestock cannot get off the mountain onto the lower common and also deter illegal off-roaders.
The knee rail around the Twmp and the steps to the top – which were damaged in the fires of 2018 – will be renewed – and other cosmetic repairs to the paths and landscape around the Scheduled Monument will be addressed.
The slopes leading up from the car parks that were eroded away by motorbike scramblers for years have been dug over and will be further improved to make walking to the top easier. And you will see that the old pond at the top of the slope above the car park has been dug out to make it more useful to livestock and will provide a great habitat for wild life like newts and frogs.
If you’d like to see the progress of some of the work that’s been going on please click the links below visit these photo galleries on our website:
The Last-Sunday-Of-The-Month Litter Pick will be – Sunday 28th November 2021
Please make your own way there and we will meet you at the car park below the Twmp at 10:30 am.
We are usually there for a couple of hours and we collect litter from the area immediately around the car park and some of us walk around the wider area to check out fences, paths etc. and effect any repairs if we are able. Tools, Pickers, Bags and Gloves will be supplied.
This is also a great opportunity to meet other members and learn more about the area and the work that the Society gets involved with.
Please make your own way to the car park at the end of Mountain Road, below the Twmp. We will provide tea and bikkies to all helpers after the pick and there will be soft drinks on offer too – or bring your own picnic if you need to.
Don’t forget – if you are taking a walk up there any day of the week for exercise, why not think about taking a rubbish bag with you to collect any littesr on your way – every little helps. If you do leave any filled bags in the corner of the car park, make sure to let us know so that we can inform the council to collect it.
We were also unable to hold our AGM last year and it was agreed that the encumbent group of Trustees remained in office until it became possible to hold a meeting. So with the relaxing of the Covid guidelines, I am pleased to announce that we will be holding an AGM on Monday 29th November 2021 at the Philanthropic Inn, Twyncarn Road, Pontywaun. NP11 7DU – at 7:00pm
All paid up members are welcome to attend and the necessary documents for the meeting can be downloaded from the following links:
The Agenda for the 2021 AGM CLICK HERE
Minutes of the 2019 AGM CLICK HERE
Chairman’s report 2019 CLICK HERE
We are always looking for new members – not just those who join our Facebook page – but good citizens who are willing donate to our cause and help us further the aims of the society which are “…to research, restore and protect Gwent’s most iconic landmark, Twmbarlwm” – and in particular we are looking for members who really want to get involved and help with our work – and to bring new ideas to the table.
Click here to see information on membership and to download an application form.
The Twmbarlwm Society has existed for over 10 years and so far have achieved quite a lot on the mountain and we are recognised by local councils, Cadw and other official bodies as a major influencer in environmental, and historical issues of the area.
Next year promises to be another exciting year with CTS being heavily involved in major local projects and we need people with the skills to help move these project forward including:
- the on-going progress of the Archaeological Investigation of Twmbarlwm that we started earlier this year – this is a major project managed by CTS, funded by Cadw and implemented by Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust
- work on the Adventure Triangle Project has started as described above and more aspects that involve CTS will continue over the next year.
- and with the re-opening of the Cwmcarn Forest Drive in the spring, the Twmbarlwm Society will feature strongly in influencing how the tourist attraction will develop – together with Friends of Cwmcarn Forest Drive, CTS campaigned for the re-opening of the drive and will continue to be involved with the development of the drive.
With the relaxing of Covid restrictions we are also hoping to start holding some events again – here’s a few ideas we’ve had – so keep an eye out for when we get these organised – and have you got any suggestions for any Talks or Walks you’d like to see?
- The Gwent Levels by Gavin Jones (Was scheduled in October 2019).
- Archaeology report (The CPAT team and Cadw)
- Talk on Newport Castle (Will Davies)??
- Walk to Pwll Tra?? and/or Llanderfel??
- Bio-Blitz (Gwent Wildlife Trust)??
More info will be here when available:
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.