Just a Quick Note – 16/03/2020
This is a copy of the eNewsletter sent out to all members on 16th March 2020
The e-newsletter of the Twmbarlwm Society
Hello Folks
Sorry there hasn’t been a Quick Note for a couple of months but there hasn’t been a great deal to report. The weather has been so awful with storm after storm that we haven’t even had our monthly litter picks since before Christmas. Which is a shame as there’s plenty of litter up there and the evidence of the bikers and off-roaders churning up the landscape is as bad as ever – the weather doesn’t seem to stop the hooligan element getting up there. So there will be plenty of work to do on the next litter pick (as long as we can hold it despite the Coronavirus crisis).
Work that you might have seen going on is the implementation of the Uplands Management Plan – this work is being carried out by the Commoners, who as you know we work quite closely with. The variety of work is quite extensive from bracken control and boundary repairs to restoration of bogs and wildlife conservation.
They have already made a good start on the restoration of the bog on the Penyrheol end of the Mynydd Maen Ridgeway. This bog, one of the largest in Wales, has been deteriorating for many years and yet it is vital to maintain it as it is rich in invertebrates and all sorts of creatures as well as locking in carbon making it vital for the environment. It also helps prevent flooding on lower land as the water doesn’t drain off the mountain but stays there – very pertinent after the recent weather events. The Commoners have started to build a network of dams and clear waterways, under the expert guidance of an hydrologist, which will stop the water draining away and help it develop naturally over the years.
If you have visited Twmbarlwm recently you will also see a brand new pond just a couple of hundred metres to the east of the Twmp. Again this is part of the Management plan – to help control water retention on the mountain and of course provide a vital watering hole for the commoners’ livestock which is due to be released onto the mountain in April.
CLICK HERE – if you are interested to see the Non-technical Summary of the Management Plan
The coming year promises to be very busy for the Society because, due to start in late spring will be work by CCBC, TCBC and NRW. The Twmbarlwm Society has been closely involved with the Adventure Triangle scheme since its inception (a grant-aided project to improve and develop the area for tourism and local communities) – the work will include repairs and creation of pathways, repairs to the eroded slopes, improvements to the car park, drainage work, repair knee rail and steps on the Twmp etc. etc. There may well be the opportunity for some volunteer work in this area so please watch this space for more information.
As you know the main project we were involved with towards the end of last year was the Archaeological Investigation of Twmbarlwm. We had to suspend operations in October due to the weather but now we are looking forward to restarting the project very soon. We are in discussions with the archaeological contractors to decide upon a start date but it is unlikely to be before the end of April – we will definitely need volunteers for this project and will keep you informed when the date is finalised.
The Geo-Phys team will probably start earlier and we will be calling for volunteers to help them out. They covered less than half the Twmp last Autumn when they had to abandon the survey, however, they have analysed their findings from that first survey and are greatly encouraged by what they see in the results.
Please visit our website (www.twmbarlwm.co.uk) to see the Blog about the start of the archaeological investigation and other information. There is also an bibliography there, prepared by Will Davies of Cadw, which gives some excellent links to publications for those wishing to do further research into Twmbarlwm and its hillfort.
Of course, any dates mentioned in this email could be affected by government guidelines for the Coronavirus outbreak.
Wednesday 25th March 2020
19:30 Crosskeys RFC
An Illustrated Talk by Gavin Jones of The Living Levels Partnership
Almost the entirety of the Gwent Levels is visible from the top of Twmbarlwm and the Mynnyd Maen ridgeway – and, obviously vice-versa – as such both landscapes must have historical links from earliest times.
Gavin will give us an insight into how life developed in this historic landscape with information uncovered by the the work of the Living Levels Partnership – and of course he’ll be telling us all about their work and how you could get involved in this exciting project.
Click the link below for more info
Sunday 29th MARCH 2020
– 10:30
The last Sunday of every month is our Monthly Litter pick and Volunteer Day – meet at the car park below Twmbarlwm 10:30am for this month only.
We collect litter from the area immediately around the car park and some of us walk around the wider area to check out fences, paths etc. and effect any repairs if we are able.
Tools, Pickers, Bags and Gloves will be supplied – but more importantly tea and biscuits will be provided for everyone who helps out.
This is a great opportunity to meet other members and learn more about the area and the work that the Society gets involved with.
More info available on our website.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com
Those who follow our Facebook page or the “Friends of Cwmcarn Forest Drive” page are also invited to consider becoming “paid-up” members and/or take part in our projects – if you know any of them please pass this on.
REMEMBER – If you are already a member but have not yet paid your annual subscription – please do so asap – otherwise your name will be removed from the subscription list.
I also repeat my request for persons who might have special skills or knowledge to help run the Society or assist with our projects such as archaeology or wildlife and environmental, to please get in touch.
Getting to the car park
For the Events starting at the car park on Twmbarlwm, if you would prefer to have a lift there please get in touch with me at the address below and I’ll try to arrange transport for you – or if you are able to offer transport to others also let me know. There are maps and descriptions how to get there on our website – under the menu tab “Location”
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.