Just A Quick Note – 19th April 2021
Just a Quick Note
19th April 2021
The e-newsletter of the Twmbarlwm Society
Hello Folks
I hope this finds you all fit and healthy – especially now that Covid restrictions are starting to ease and we can all get out a bit further afield in this glorious spring weather. And where better to go than up Twmbarlwm – even if it is only for litter picking. So we are looking forward to seeing the old faces up there – and hopefully some new faces – for a good spring clean this coming Sunday.
Covid Guidelines still ask us to be cautious – so during our litter pick this coming weekend we expect everyone who comes to help to maintain social distancing. However it will still not be wise to for us to offer people a lift up the mountain or to offer tea and bikkies afterwards.
The Last-Sunday-Of-The-Month Litter Pick will go ahead this – Sunday 25th April
Please make your own way there and we will meet you at the car park below the Twmp at 10:30 am.
We collect litter from the area immediately around the car park and some of us walk around the wider area to check out fences, paths etc. and effect any repairs if we are able. Tools, Pickers, Bags and Gloves will be supplied.
This is also a great opportunity to meet other members and learn more about the area and the work that the Society gets involved with.
Don’t forget – if you are taking a walk up there any day of the week for your allowable exercise, why not think about taking a rubbish bag with you to collect any litter on your way – every little helps. If you do leave any filled bags in the corner of the car park, make sure to let us know so that we can inform the council to collect it.
You may recall that last month there was a fly tip on top of the ridgeway that had been there for a couple of months – many people reported it to us on social media and via our website, we contacted various authorities to get it shifted with no success. I’m glad to report that it has finally been removed and we have to thank a particular CCBC employee and his contacts with the Commoners, who got the wheels in motion to get it collected.
This is good news for the moment but it highlights the problems we have in getting things done on the mountain. Following official channels got us nowhere and yet it took persuading personal contacts and calling in favours that got the work done – this is not how it should work and we intend starting a campaign to lobby the powers-that-be to come up with better solutions against fly-tipping and littering.
If you would like to get involved with the campaign or have any ideas that could help please get in touch.
Please be sensible and follow the government’s advice during this pandemic emergency – keep safe and healthy and help us all protect the NHS
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.