Just a Quick Note – 24/08/20
Just a Quick Note
The e-newsletter of the Twmbarlwm Society
24th August 2020
Hello Folks
At long last things seem to be easing with quarantine restrictions – but Covid is still out there and we continue to be very cautious in any plans the society makes.
Throughout the lockdown a few of our members continued to do the occasional litter pick off their own initiative – and another group even ventured into the surrounding woods to clear up some long-term rubbish – we are extremely grateful for everybody’s efforts to keep our mountain tidy for all to visit. Also the council have been very co-operative and collected the bags of rubbish when requested. Thank you all.
This coming Sunday, 30th August, we will organising our usual monthly litter pick on Twmbarlwm.
Anyone is welcome to join us to help with the litter pick around the car park and common but note that we will not be providing hot drinks afterwards as usual, so please bring your own if required. If you have your own gloves and equipment so much the better.
We will be at the car park at 10:30 and we generally stay there for 2-3 hours
Everyone must observe social distancing for this activity so I’m afraid we won’t be able to offer any lifts up the mountain as usual. You should only work alongside people within your own “family bubble”.
We have pick-up sticks and rubbish bags and have hand sanitiser and wipes available – it is each person’s own responsibility to take necessary precautions such as wiping down any shared equipment before and after use.
Please be sensible and follow the government’s advice during this pandemic emergency – keep safe and healthy and help us all protect the NHS
I’m glad to say that the archaeological contractors have been in touch and are hoping to resume the geophys investigation towards the end of September. As you may recall we only managed to cover half the scheduled monument last October before the bad weather forced us to abandon the investigation for the year – then along came coronavirus. (some of the results can be seen here).
We have “penciled-in” 25th September as the start date for the survey which will take 3-4 days. Again we will be calling for volunteers to help out – which will involve carrying equipment to the top and marking out the operational grid – so if you are interested please contact us as places will be limited.
Once the geophys survey is completed we are hoping that a start might be made on the proposed archaeological dig – but that will depend on various factors before a decision is made. It would be useful if you could contact us to register your interest for this part of the project.
The Blog about what we did last year is still available on our website www.twmbarlwm.co.uk
The Trustees of the society have not met since the start of the lockdown, therefore none of our projects or campaigns have moved forward. So I’m afraid I’ve nothing to report on the council’s plans with the Adventure Triangle or on the works of the Commoners.
Also we have not been able to arrange any guided walks or talks – but hopefully as restrictions start to ease we will again become a bit more proactive – and if you have any ideas or suggestions on what you would like to see the Society organising or becoming involved with then please get in touch.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com
Those who follow our Facebook page or the “Friends of Cwmcarn Forest Drive” page are also invited to consider becoming “paid-up” members and/or take part in our projects – if you know any of them please pass this on.
REMEMBER – If you are already a member but have not yet paid your annual subscription – please do so asap – otherwise your name will be removed from the subscription list.
I also repeat my request for persons who might have special skills or knowledge to help run the Society or assist with our projects such as archaeology or wildlife and environmental, to please get in touch.
Getting to the car park
For the Events starting at the car park on Twmbarlwm, if you would prefer to have a lift there please get in touch with me at the address below and I’ll try to arrange transport for you – or if you are able to offer transport to others also let me know. There are maps and descriptions how to get there on our website – under the menu tab “Location”
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.