Just a Quick Note – 24/10/18
This is a copy of the eNewsletter sent out to all members on 20th September 2018
The e-newsletter of the Twmbarlwm Society
Hello Folks
Hopefully you all saw the results of our last appeal for help to re-seed the top of the Tump – you gave us a fantastic response with well over 40 of you turning up to help out – and what a fabulous day it was, brilliant sunshine, little wind – ideal conditions for sowing seed. See the full story and photos on the website CLICK HERE
We have since been up the Twmp to check on progress since the re-seeding.
It is only two weeks since the re-seeding so I wasn’t really expecting to find any or much regrowth, especially after Storm Callum has whipped through the area. Generally the burnt area looks like it’s had a real battering from the heavy rain and strong winds. Areas that were fine ash and dust seem to be hardening into a solid clay consistency – probably not a good base for the grass seed.
It looks like some of the seed has been swept off the high rims of the ditch leaving a few bare areas. Looking closely at the seed – on the south side there’s not much evidence of germination starting – but on the north side much of the seed appears to be starting to split open as though it is ready to start putting out shoots – lets hope so.
The main disappointing thing was, as we came back off the Twmp we noticed a couple dozen sheep sat around the new metal gate onto the common – as we got closer we realised that the fence running up to the gate has been vandalised and torn down, for a length of about 20 yards. Someone has been there with heavy duty wire cutters, cut through the barbed wire and the stock fence, even chopping it into smaller pieces – fence posts have been ripped out of the ground and snapped up. There were no obvious tyre tracks around the area although a vehicle must have been used to pull out the posts.
Of course this breach in the fence means that all the animals now have access to the top (there’s already evidence of cattle dung up there) – which again is not good news for the new seed – and, of course there’s access to the trees planted in the middle of the fences. We have spoken to our friendly farmer and as usual he has said he will help us to repair it but can’t say when as yet – there’s too much damage for us to repair it on our normal volunteer days but I will send out a request for your help when we are ready.
Sunday 28th October
Last Sunday of every month is our Monthly Litterpick and Volunteer Day – meet at the car park below Twmbarlwm 10:30am.
We collect litter from the area immediately around the car park and some of us walk around the wider area to check out fences, paths etc. and effect any repairs if we are able.
Tools, Pickers, Bags and Gloves will be supplied – but more importantly tea and biscuits will be provided for everyone who helps out.
This is a great opportunity to meet other members and learn more about the area and the work that the Society gets involved with.
If you prefer not to drive up the mountain yourself we can often arrange pick ups at Risca Leisure Centre at 10:15am – please contact us to let us know if you would like a lift or indeed if you could offer others a lift.
Monday 12th November 2018 (TBC)
There will be a report of the Society’s work over the last year and Members will be asked to elect Trustees for the coming year. The Society needs the Membership to get involved.
Crosskeys RFC – 7:00pm for 7:30pm
More info will be on our website and Agenda will be sent out closer to the date.
Monday 3rd December (TBC)
The annual “IT’S NEARLY CHRISTMAS TUMP QUIZ NIGHT – with wonderful prizes and a fabulous trophy up for grabs. Get a team together and start revising NOW!
Crosskeys RFC – 7:00pm for 7:30pm
More info available on our website.
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com