Just a Quick Note – 25/01/23
Just a Quick Note – 25th January 2023
The e-newsletter of the Twmbarlwm Society
Hello Folks
Probably too late to wish you a Happy New Year but I do hope you’re enjoying 2023 so far. Haven’t been in touch for a while because I was struck down by the dreaded lurgy like a lot of people were over christmas – all seems such a long time ago doesn’t it.
Anyway before I get onto any news here’s a quick reminder of events we’ve got lined up…
The February talk we had arranged on “The Lost Farms of Mynydd Maen” has been postponed until later in the year but we have replaced it with an equally interesting subject “The GreenMeadow Burial Ground” presented by Stephen Lyons …
So make a date for this coming
Wednesday 1st February 2023
…a fascinating, illustrated talk entitled:
“The GreenMeadow Burial Ground: (Myth and Mystery and Renewal)”
Presented by Stephen Lyons.
This illustrated talk begins with an account of the 1860 Risca Blackvein Mining Disaster and then continues as a highly forensic examination of the reporting and aftermath, specifically relating to the victims, outlining and explaining or refuting the inaccuracies and myths which have built up over the years. It brings into discussion all previous historical assessments and presents new material to get as near as possible to a definitive view.
Stephen describes himself as an Actor, Presenter of Presentations, Word Wrangler, Unraveller of History, Tracer of Ancestry and he led the local campaign to restore and protect the Greenmeadow Burial Ground and properly commemorate those who died in the Blackvein Disaster of 1860.
It’s at Crosskeys Rugby Club – doors open at 7:00pm – for a 7:30pm start
See the website for more information or the attached poster – if you could print it out and display it where everyone can see it, so much the better.
– this weekend is The Last-Sunday-Of-The-Month Litter Pick – Sunday 29th January 2023
Please make your own way there and we will meet you at the car park below the Twmp at 10:30 am.
We are usually there for a couple of hours and we collect litter from the area immediately around the car park and some of us walk around the wider area to check out fences, paths etc. and effect any repairs if we are able. Tools, Pickers, Bags and Gloves will be supplied.
This is also a great opportunity to meet other members and learn more about the area and the work that the Society gets involved with.
Please make your own way to the car park at the end of Mountain Road, below the Twmp. We will provide tea and bikkies to all helpers after the pick and there will be soft drinks on offer too – or bring your own picnic if you need to.
NOTE: I’ve been up there today and there’s a lot of rubbish around – but it’s also very muddy so make sure you have appropriate shoes and clothing for the weather and conditions.
1st March 2023 – The Newport Transporter Bridge – Speaker to be confirmed
5th April 2023 – The Newport Medieval Ship – Jeff Grosvenor, Friends of Newport Medieval Ship
The talks will be held at Crosskeys Rugby Club – dates and times are yet to be confirmed – please check our website closer to the date.
Entry will be £3 per person – or free to paid up members of the Twmbarlwm Society (you could pay £10 to become a member on the night and so get free entry to all future talks).
– We have recently received the draft copy of the report of last year’s Archaeological Dig – I’m afraid there’s no earth-shattering discoveries to report but from an archaeological point of view they have confirmed certain theories of Twmbarlwm’s history and yet they think there’s still more to be uncovered – so we are currently considering whether there will be further archaeological investigations this year. The report will soon be available to download from our website.
We have also received a report compiled for us by the Gwent Wildlife Trust outlining how we might better manage the landscape of the SAM on top of Twmbarlwm. The aim is to improve the variety of the environment to encourage greater bio-diversity of the wildlife and aid the regrowth of the heathland destroyed by fires and general landscape abuse.
We have been successful in getting some funding towards this project and we are expecting to organise some events for volunteers to help us with this work. In the spring we will be looking for volunteers to help with bracken bashing – and again in the autumn when we also be reseeding some areas that were damaged by the fires of 2018. A limited number of cattle will be allowed to graze the mountain top which will mean building a new fence on the Pegwn-y-Bwlch side to ensure the cattle don’t stray too far. We will also be asking the public to stick to certain pathways to give well trodden paths the opportunity to recover.
The society has had meetings with the Commoners, Cadw and the RES-Group (the company looking to develop the wind farm) and we have discovered there are issues that may directly influence the status of Twmbarlwm – as this develops and when we know more we will let you know and we may possibly call a meeting of all members to gauge everyone’s opinion.
Following is what I told you last month: There are currently plans underway for the development of a wind farm on the Penyrheol end of the Mynydd Maen ridgeway – this will consist at least 15 x 150m tall wind turbines. They will be very visible from the top of Twmbarlwm (as shown in the artist’s impression below) and other locations from miles around. Some of our Trustees met with the company (RES-Group) to learn about the implications this development will have for Twmbarlwm. It’s yet to go through planning and will take a few years before any work starts but the Society will keep a watching brief on the project and will keep you aware of progress.
See the company’s website here: https://www.res-group.com/en
And the project specific website here: http://www.mynyddmaen-windfarm.co.uk/consultation/
Visit our website https://www.twmbarlwm.co.uk for up to date information on the work of the Society or follow our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/twmbarlwm for announcements and discussions
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.
We are always looking for new members to help us further the aims of the society which are “…to research, restore and protect Gwent’s most iconic landmark, Twmbarlwm” – and in particular we are looking for members who really want to get involved and help with our work – and to bring new ideas to the table.
The Twmbarlwm Society has existed for over 12 years and so far have achieved quite a lot on the mountain and we are recognised by local councils, Cadw and other official bodies as a major influencer in environmental, and historical issues of the area.
2023 promises to be another exciting year with CTS being heavily involved in major local projects and we need people with the skills to help move these projects forward.
Download this newsletter as a PDF here