Just a Quick Note – 25/02/21
Just a Quick Note
25th February 2021
The e-newsletter of the Twmbarlwm Society
Hello Folks
I hope this finds you all fit and healthy in body and soul – and with any luck there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel – especially if you’ve had your jab.
I’m sure that you are all looking forward to getting out and about and, if you’re like me, desperate to get up to Twmbarlwm – even if it is only for litter picking.
Unfortunately, we still feel that as a responsible Society, it would be wiser not to hold our organised litter pick this coming weekend. Mainly because we can’t offer people a lift up the mountain or organise the tea and bikkies afterwards.
So please note: the Litter Pick on Sunday 28th February is CANCELLED
However a few of us regulars MAY be there from 10:30 am and if any of you others do venture up Twmbarlwm under your own steam, please feel free to join us – socially distanced of course.
If you are taking a local walk for your allowable exercise, why not think about taking a rubbish bag with you to collect any litter on your way – every little helps. If you do leave any filled bags in the corner of the car park, make sure to let us know so that we can inform the council to collect it.
We’ll let you know in due course whether the March Litter Pick will go ahead – again it will depend on the official guidelines that will be in place – let’s hope it’ll be better news next month.
I know that not all of you follow FaceBook, so I thought I’d update you on some very pertinent threads that have been on our page. One person posted on our FB page about the usual ongoing problems we have on Twmbarlwm with illegal off-roaders – and he listed questions that he put to TCBC and the police.
It transpired that the person is an independent councillor on the Torfaen council. His questions and the replies he received are as follows:
“What responsibilities does TCBC have to ensure that the landscape and ground associated with the ‘Twmbarlwm’ hill range is fully maintained and preserved for the enjoyment of not only the residents of Torfaen but its neighbouring boroughs?” END.
“With the ever-increasing number of off road ‘scrambler’ motor bikes and 4 x 4 vehicles using the full extent of the ‘Twmbarlwm’ hill range, what enforcement steps will now be undertaken by TCBC and associated partners to ensure that the appalling amount of ground damage being caused by said vehicles ‘STOPS’ once and for all?”
“What positive conservational measures will now be undertaken to ‘STOP’ further ground deterioration and ‘REPAIR’ the shockingly damaged area of land which has been caused by off road vehicles across the full length of the ‘Twmbarlwm’ hill range?
In regard to the ‘Illegal use of Off-road Vehicles’ and ‘Twmbarlwm’ hill range, I have received the following email correspondence from Mr. N Thomas-Symonds MP (Torfaen) and Mrs. L. Neagle SM (Torfaen).
RECEIVED E-MAIL – Mr. N Thomas-Symonds MP (Torfaen)
“Thank you for the email, with attached letter dated 9th February 2021 and appendices detailing your questions at Council and interaction with Gwent Police on the issue of illegal off-road pursuits on the ‘Twmbarlwm’ hill range. I share your concerns on the impact of this off-road activity on our beautiful landscapes in Torfaen.
Nick Smith, MP for Blaenau Gwent, has been co-ordinating Regional Roundtable Meetings in recent years, bringing together elected representatives, landowners, police and user groups. These meetings, twice a year, were very useful for information sharing, combined approaches to address issues and resolve problems.
I attended these meetings, making the case for action across Torfaen, and there has unquestionably been good work done in recent summers both in terms of monitoring and enforcement activity.
In more than one part of the borough, though, I have been hearing of more, recent, illegal off-road activity during the pandemic. I have been raising these incidents with Gwent Police and pressing for a resumption of the Regional Roundtables, which have been disrupted by the pandemic. I know Nick Smith MP’s office are looking to arrange a (virtual) Regional Roundtable next month.
Just so you are aware, the action I will now take is:
(a) I will contact Nick Smith MP and highlight the issues at the ‘Twmbarlwm’ hill range and ask for this to be raised at the next Regional Roundtable;
(b) I will, today, contact the Gwent Police Chief Constable, Police and Crime Commissioner, and local Police Inspector, expressing my own concerns about the issues at the ‘Twmbarlwm’ hill range. If you could let me know of any further issues at Twmbarlwm, and their regularity, I can continue to raise this.
Thank you very much for drawing this concerning issue to my attention.
Yours sincerely, Nick Thomas-Symonds MP.” END.
RECEIVED E-MAIL – Mrs L. Neagle SM (Torfaen).
“Thank you for your email. I’m aware that Nick Thomas -Symonds MP has been doing some work on this and I’m very keen to do what I can to help and support.
I will liaise with Nick and the local police inspector and come back to you.
Kind regards, Lynne.” END.
Thought the following information may be of interest as it highlights TCBC stance in regard to ‘Off-road vehicles’ and the provision of a purpose-built facility.
“The provision of a purpose-built facility for off-roading for 4 x 4’s has been considered, more in relation to off road bikes, but the principle is similar, and no land has been able to be identified by Torfaen Council. Opportunities for private facilities such as this do not appear to be particularly forthcoming, possibly based on the need to fulfil the required regulatory needs, including H & S concerns. This was also investigated with members back in the 00’s and no Members at that time would support such a facility in their ward, due to obvious concerns about noise.
Purpose built facilities are attractive to some, but not all, so whilst a facility could mitigate against some illegal off- roading it wouldn’t be likely to remove it completely. Our knowledge of a purpose-built site privately operated in Blaenau Gwent is that it closed following a fatality but even before that the presence of the facility appeared to encourage more illegal off-roading in the wider area. It is known that many who enjoy off-roading, do so because of the freedom it provides from any kind of management or restriction and such individuals are unlikely to want to go to an official site.
Attempts have been made to pursue provision throughout Wales since at least 2003, but none of the proposed schemes/approaches were sustainable. Recent work related to illegal off roading has been undertaken as part of the South East Wales Resilient Uplands Project and includes the commissioning of landscape crime management plans and a landscape crime communication strategy. Officers are currently reviewing the drafts in light of all the previous work on this matter so that they can identify best practice and seek to progress this issue, including all stakeholders.
The issue of illegal off roading is one the Authority, with its partners, continues to seek to have a positive impact upon. END.
I recently met with a Gwent Police Inspector to discuss the topic of the growing use of ‘off-road’ vehicles on ‘Twmbarlwm’ hill range. The discussion comprised of three (3) broad headings covering ‘RESPONSIBILITY’, ‘ENFORCEMENT’ & ‘CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION’.
Gwent Police are responsible for enforcing the law in relationship to the hills and mountains across all of Gwent and not just ‘Twmbarlwm’.
Enforcement of the law in respect to the illegal use of ‘off-road vehicles’ on the hills across Gwent is challenging; especially in regard to operational capacity issues.
Police ‘Operations’ are often carried out on the hills and mountains across Gwent; between 30 & 50 ‘Uniformed Officers’ are used to catch illegal ‘off-road vehicles. Unfortunately, in fear of being prosecuted, ‘bikers’ tend not stop for the police and will drive around any police vehicles that may be put in their way to catch them. Indeed, there are been cases where police vehicles have been damaged as a result of unlawful bikers avoiding being caught.
When illegal ‘Off road bikers are caught, currently there is only so much the police can do. In the first instance the police will endeavour to educate the biker before if necessary, confiscating the scrambler motorbike and holding it for 24 hours; after which time the biker can then collect it after paying a charge of £150.00. Bearing in mind that some ‘scrambler motorbikes’ cost £6000+, riders will readily pay the £150.00 in order to get their valuable possession back.
As the Police ARE NOT allowed to pursue the person driving the vehicle, they are currently investigating; the possibility of changing legislation held as part of Section 59 and 34 of the ‘Road Traffic Act. These extra powers will strengthen the case towards prosecuting the ‘Keeper of van’ or vehicle transporting the bikes as opposed to the rider themselves.
Issuing ‘Community Protection Warnings’ ie 1. Give notice 2. Power of Arrest 3. Arrest to the COMPANY OWNERS of ‘van hire businesses’
Working alongside Torfaen CBC in order to secure a Borough wide ‘Public Protection Order as ‘Off-road’ vehicles can be deemed as ‘Anti-social’.
When a concerned resident contacts the ‘101’ Police service to report an issue of illegal ‘Off-road vehicles’, this call WILL be dealt with; however, it is only classed as a ‘non-emergency’. Although it is vital to continue to report illegal ‘off-road vehicle’ issues, it is the ‘SORT’ of information that is being given to the Police that needs to be improved. Bearing in mind that scrambler motorbikes tend not to have vehicle identification numbers on them and there are a lot of bikes coloured ‘orange and white’, it is very unlikely that the police will do anything with this information. However, if you can give times, number of bikers, direction of travel, access points, van transportation registration numbers then there is a greater chance of successful prosecutions.
A ‘Regional Round Table’ exists which if headed my Nick Thomas-Symonds Member of Parliament for Torfaen. Representative Members comprise of; Commoners ie Upland Farmers, Council Authorities, Gwent Police and Fire Authority. There is a seven (7) part working strategy the contents of which needs further research and investigation. END
The Twmbarwlm Society has thanked Councillor Kemp for taking an interest in our mountain and his actions have spurred us into further dialogue with the powers that be, about a subject that, as you know, has always been at the core of the Society’s concerns. We will keep you informed how this campaign progresses.
Coincidentally, on the same subject, Gwent Police also posted on Facebook news about their multi-agency operation last weekend to deal with illegal off-roading and anti-social behaviour on our mountain tops. Caerphilly Council, NRW and local police forces had a successful weekend 20th-21st February 2021 stopping many bikers and cautioning them and seizing their bikes – the police later posted the results for the weekend as follows.
- 15 bikes were seized; (a mixture of section 59 warnings for anti-social behaviour and section 165 of the Road Traffic Act; driving with no insurance);
- 10 individuals were reported for summons under section 34 of Road Traffic Act; prohibition of riding on common land;
- There was one arrest which resulted in a charge Dangerous Driving, Assaulting an Emergency Worker (the individual drove the bike at an officer), a Covid Breach and Section 34 Road Traffic Act offences;
- 2 Community Protection Warnings were issued and one person was reported to the Court for off-road activity.
News of this operation on Facebook received almost 2.5k responses which goes to show the depth of feeling this subject generates – from both the pro and anti points of view.
This is a problem that seems to have grown exponentially during lockdown with scrambler motorbikes and 4×4 vehicles ripping up the landscape of Twmbarlwm and Mynydd Maen – even the road leading up to the car park is like a ploughed field at the moment. The track up onto the ridgeway is getting deeper troughs dug into it everyday and the ridgeway itself is treacherous to walk along due to the action of heavy duty vehicles.
If you see anybody abusing the landscape like this you should ring the police on their non-emergency 101 number. I know many of you say “What’s the point – the police never do anything” – well if it’s not reported nothing will be done – but surely the above reports show that something can be done but it’s a problem that needs everyone concerned to be proactive.
Please be sensible and follow the government’s advice during this pandemic emergency – keep safe and healthy and help us all protect the NHS
More info available on our website.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com
These details are posted on our website and on FaceBook – but if you know of anyone who is interested but don’t get their news through the internet – could you please let them have a copy of this message.