Just a Quick Note – 25/06/2019
This is a copy of the eNewsletter sent out to all members on 25th June 2019
The e-newsletter of the Twmbarlwm Society
Hello Folks
Sorry if I’ve been quiet for a while but I and my fellow Trustees have been busy putting together a bid to start a programme of archaeological research on Twmbarlwm. I mentioned in a previous email that after the wildfires of last year, some possible previously unknown archaeological features have been revealed. As a result we have been in discussions with Cadw and they have helped us to put together a brief to present to potential archaeological contractors – that brief is currently in the tendering process.
It is hoped that the research will include geo-phys surveys, core-sampling and digging exploratory trenches (not on the mound itself), so when we get the final go-ahead for the project we will be looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of the research. If you are interested in taking part in this project please let us know via email as places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis
It is our intention to involve the community, schools etc. as much as possible – it’s early days in the process but I’m confident something will start fairly soon and if anybody has any expertise in such matters, please get in touch.
Since the fires we have noticed a lot of broken glass scattered around the enclosure area of the monument, so a couple of litter picks ago a gang of us went to the top of the Twmp to clear away the glass as it is a danger to the public and a possible hazard in starting new fires.
When we got the buckets of broken glass back down the hill I couldn’t bring myself to simply dump it all in the recycling for collection, so we sifted through it and found that each shard could reveal a part of our social history. To our inexpert eyes much of the glass was quite thick and had a green hue to it, suggesting it is of considerable age – so I put a call out on our website for a glass expert – and we found one.
We met up with glass expert, Andrew Morgan, when he came to our next litter pick and looked through some of the glass samples. He was able to identify many of the bottles and confirmed some of the finds could easily date back to the Victorian period – much of it early 20th century. With Andrew we intend to catalogue some of the glass and produce an article on Twmbarlwm Glass and asssociated history
REMEMBER – It’s our monthly Litter Pick and Volunteer Day this Sunday
30th June 2019
Meet at 10:30 at the car park below the Twmp – see details below.
Everyone is welcome and there will be tea and biccies at the end.
You may have noticed that we put up some temporary signs to remind people that the Twmp is actually a Scheduled Ancient Monument and as such is protected under law. Visitors should remember basic rules such as: Take all litter home with you; Do not light fires or barbecues; Do not damage undergrowth or structures; Do not dig into the ground surface. Motorised vehicles are forbidden and the riding of horses and bicycles is not allowed.
Also, metal detectorists should note that it is an offence to use a metal detector on a SAM without prior consent from Cadw and the landowner.
Finally, we really want to remind visitors that, at the moment, the ground surface on Twmbarlwm is still extremely fragile after last year’s wildfires – we need people to ensure that they stick to existing pathways and not to wander onto the burnt areas, – do not climb up the sides of the mound or the edges of the surrounding ditch (and don’t allow your children to do so either) so please respect the landscape and give the area time to recover naturally.
The commoners and landowners are taking measures to keep their livestock off the SAM because their browsing will hinder the recovery of the area – this situation is not helped by the continued cutting of fences by vandals. If you see cut fences, broken and open gates or animals browsing on the top please report it to us and we’ll arrange to get it sorted.
Sunday 30th JUNE 2019
Last Sunday of every month is our Monthly Litter pick and Volunteer Day – meet at the car park below Twmbarlwm 10:30am.
We collect litter from the area immediately around the car park and some of us walk around the wider area to check out fences, paths etc. and effect any repairs if we are able.
There’s a bit of bracken bashing, path repair and wall building to do this weekend so if you’re up for a bit of physical work please come along.
Tools, Pickers, Bags and Gloves will be supplied – but more importantly tea and biscuits will be provided for everyone who helps out.
This is a great opportunity to meet other members and learn more about the area and the work that the Society gets involved with.
If you prefer not to drive up the mountain yourself we can often arrange pick ups at Risca Leisure Centre at 10:15am – please contact us to let us know if you would like a lift or indeed if you could offer others a lift.
Saturday 6th July 2019
WALK TO “PWLL TRA” – The Pool of Avarice
10:15 for a 10:30am start
Here’s your chance to visit Twmbarlwm’s Best kept Secret – Pwll Tra or, in English “The Pool of Avarice”. The walk will be led by Rob Southall, founder of CTS and Friends of Cwmcarn Forest Drive, member of Islwyn Ramblers and mine of information on local myths and history.
This year we will be walking a route along the Cwmcarn Forest Drive, a small section of footpath and forest and farm tracks. Many of the trees have now been felled and you can enjoy the fine mountain scenery and glorious views of the Carn valley which have been hidden for decades.
The walk is graded as moderate, it is about 8 miles in length and should take about 3.5 hours. As we are walking on the road it is fine to wear trainers but bring a waterproof in case of rain, something to drink and a packed lunch to keep your strength up.
Please ensure you are capable and fit enough for the walk.
There will be a lunch stop at Pwll Tra when Rob will regale us with the tale about why this enigmatic pond is called the “Pool of Avarice”.
Bring your own snacks and drinks – and remember to wear stout walking shoes and appropriate clothing for the landscape and weather.
There are a few more events being planned but details are yet to be finalised. These include:
- Walk around Penyrheol with Les Murphy
- Walk to Llanderfel Chapel
- A talk on the history of Newport Castle
- Talk on the glass findings
We have been donated quantities of a couple of books by local authors for us to sell and raise money for the society. One is “Western Valley Walks” by Ralph Collins which we sell at just £2.50 – and the other book is “A Year on a Brecon Farm” by Haydn Llewellyn Davies for £5.00. Go to the ‘shop’ tab on our website for more info.
You may also be interested in books written or published by CTS members all available on Amazon and there’s links to them on our website:
- “The Street at the Top of The Mountain” by Derek J. Southall, introduction by Rob Southall
- “Gwent Folk Tales” by Christine Anne Watkins
- “Domains of Darkness” by Martyn Vaughan
More info available on our website.
Many Regards
Chairman Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society
Address general queries to: twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com