Litter Pick – 31/03/19
Many thanks to everyone that turned up for the litter pick yesterday at the car park below Twmbarlwm.
We collected 7 or 8 bags of rubbish and various other bits of scrap including bits of off-road bikes from off the ridgeway.
We were dismayed to see the fly-tipping of what looks like asbestos, corrugated sheeting around the cattle grid on Mountain Road – we didn’t touch that but ensured to report it to the proper authorities.
We also did a few repairs to the dry-stone wall that some people think it’s OK to dismantle in order to prop the gate open. Please note that it’s not a good idea to leave that gate open because the livestock goes back onto the mountain in a couple of weeks time and it is vital to keep the gate closed so that they do not wander down onto the road on the lower common.
There were at least another half dozen people more than shown in the photo – but they were either too shy or simply missed the photo opportunity.
Thanks again everyone.
Next Litter Pick / Volunteer Day is 28th April 2019
… and don’t forget the Hot-Cross-Bun Walk on the 19th either