Living Levels Talk – 25/03/20
Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society presents:
An Illustrated Talk
by Gavin Jones
of The Living Levels Partnership
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Crosskeys RFC – Doors open 7.00pm
Almost the entirety of the Gwent Levels is visible from the top of Twmbarlwm and the Mynnyd Maen ridgeway – and, obviously vice-versa – as such both landscapes must have historical links from earliest times.
Gavin will give us an insight into how life developed in this historic landscape with information uncovered by the the work of the Living Levels Partnership – and of course he’ll be telling us all about their work and how you could get involved in this exciting project.
Living Levels Landscape Partnership
‘The GWENT Levels are an iconic, estuarine landscape of international significance along the banks of the Severn Estuary’. This special landscape of high skies is one of the largest tracts of bio-diverse wet grasslands left in the UK.’
The Living Levels Landscape Partnership (LLLP) is a National Lottery Heritage Funded (HLF) Landscape Partnership Scheme which aims to reconnect people and communities to the Gwent Levels landscape and provide a sustainable future for this historic and unique area.
Gavin Jones is the Community Engagement Officer for this project and will be discussing the unique landscape of the Gwent Levels and why its history and heritage has played such an important role in its development and its standing as a unique landscape within Wales. He will also present the many projects being delivered under Living Levels, with the aim of securing the future of this ‘forgotten’ landscape.
Click here to visit the Living Levels website where you’ll find loads of info on the project.
Entry is FREE to members or £3.00 to non-members (you can become a member of CTS for £10 on the night if you wish, in which case entry will be free on the night)
Drinks will be available at the Bar ~ and a raffle will be held on the night.
CLICK HERE for directions of how to get to Crosskeys RFC
All proceeds go towards the work of Cymdeithas Twmbarlwm Society and The Crosskeys RFC Flood Disaster fund.
You can help us publicise this event by downloading the poster here and displaying it in work or anywhere that it will be seen by those interested in our history.
Gavin Jones is the Living Levels Community Engagement Officer
Gavin has been involved with the Living Levels for the development phase when he was busy running local consultation and pop-up engagement activities. In the delivery phase, Gavin will continue to be the Community Engagement Officer for the scheme and will be focused on delivering our events programme and our community art project, ‘Big Skies’. Gavin will remain the main liaison with community groups for the scheme as a whole.
Contact Gavin for information about volunteering and events via the LLLP website www.livinglevels.org.uk/