Re-seed the Twmp
Last week we sent members an email explaining the devastation to the Hill Fort on top of Twmbarlwm and that we were hoping to re-seed some of the damaged areas before the onset of harsh winter weather.
Well, we have managed to get some funding and have purchased the necessary grass seed and we are now looking for volunteers to come along to help us sew the seed.
Meet at the car park below the Twmp at 10:30am Sunday 7th October.
- The plan is to walk to the top of the mountain where our local friendly farmer will deliver the sacks of seed and any equipment needed.
- The areas to be seeded will be marked out with tape (see photo below).
- We’ll have a quick briefing on the technique of broadcasting the seed and then we will split into teams of three or four.
- Each team will be assigned an area to cover with seed.
- Once covered we’ll stick up some signs to make people aware of the re-seeded areas
- And then back to the car park for a well earned cup of tea and biscuits.
NOTE: This isn’t just an exercise to make the place look pretty again – it is to help rejuvenate the areas of the Scheduled Ancient Monument that are not likely to recover of their own accord and thus protect the surface from further erosion by the harsh weather conditions of the coming winter.
ALSO – please remember that the society is paying part of the cost of these repairs so your annual membership subscription is a vital part of this project. If you would like to contribute further to this project you can do so on our website or there will be collecting buckets available on the day.
If you didn’t see last week’s e-newsletter explaining why we are doing this, it is still available CLICK HERE