Recorders Day
RECORDERS’ FIELD DAY, Saturday 22nd August 2015

Peacock Butterfly
What we originally called the Bio-Blitz Day is now known as Recorders’ Field Day. This is an event organised by SEWBReC (South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre) where they bring along experts to search the area and record all the species of flora and fauna found.
We encouraged SEWBReC to use our mountain as an area worthy of their study so we hope that plenty of CTS members will come along to help out. We will be there to supply tea and biscuits to everyone attending – this should be a fun day out for all ages and will give us invaluable information to develop and protect Twmbarlwm.
The SEWBReC experts will instruct volunteers on how to gather information but please remember that they are not there to give an in-depth biology lecture yet they will certainly make it an instructive day out on our mountain. For find out more about the organisation and their work please visit their website http://www.sewbrec.org.uk/
Twmbarlwm is designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), and has been assessed to have high potential as habitat for reptiles, small mammals and waxcaps – however there are few records of these groups for this site. In fact, despite being a popular site for walkers and other outdoor activities, SEWBReC only holds 100 biological records for the whole of the Twmbarlwm area, so this event presents an excellent opportunity to increase the knowledge and understanding of species diversity found here.
If you are interested in taking part with this survey, it would be useful if you could register your interest with us to enable us to assess numbers of volunteers available.
Please email me at twmbarlwmsociety@gmail.com