Workday 30 November 2014
We had another successful volunteer workday on Sunday – 30th November.
This was another very well attended event (sorry there’s no photos of all 12 who turned up). Apart from the litterpick of the area we installed two signposts to point the way to the kissing gates – and at the top, Howard and David moved the stock gate and re-installed the fencing at the kissing gate. Well done and thanks to everybody concerned.
The signposts were installed because so many visitors to the car park head straight for the centre of the fence where there is no gate – some people have even been seen clambering over the fence. So we hope that the signs will now encourage walkers to head for the kissing gates on either end of the fence.
The stock gate on the eastern edge of the summit was moved because when the commoners have their cattle on the mountain (from May to October) they tend to congregate around the stock gate which could be a bit intimidating for walkers wishing to pass through the kissing gate alongside. Soon we will also improve the ground around the kissing gate with a new floating path, making it easier underfoot for visitors.
The same gallery of photos (with captions) is also available HERE